Please take a moment to respond to a Provider Participation Survey and help us improve our service to you.
Please take a moment to respond to a Provider Customer Service Satisfaction Survey and help us improve our service to you.
The Department of Health Care Services will allow member and provider processing exceptions to expedite the replacement of removable dental appliances for those impacted by the recent winter storms in California. If you are impacted by the winter storms, please call the Provider Telephone Service Center at 1-800-423-0507 for more information about replacement of dental appliances.
Effective December 1, 2022, the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) is required to change its internal wire transfer process with the State Controller's Office, which will result in a one-week delay of provider payments being issued. This process change applies to all CalAIM and FFS claims. Weekly and monthly payments will be issued on Tuesdays. If a holiday falls on a Monday, payments may be delayed until the following Wednesday or Thursday.